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What’s your first name?
Do you smoke?
What is your eating habits?
How frequently do you consume alcoholic beverages?
How frequently do you have cold/flu symptoms?
Describe your stress level
Have you ever been diagnosted with high blood glucose level?
Tell us what you want to focus on
What’s your email address?
Vegan diet
Vegetarian diet
My diet is generally healthy and includes animal protein, fish and veggies
My diet includes fast food and soft drinks
≤ 3 times per week
4 - 7 times per week
7+ times per week
≤ 2 per year
3 - 5 times per year
5+ times per week
I feel calm and relaxed most of the time
I get nerevous from time to time
I’m under a lot of stress most of the time
Weight managment
Stress relief
Immune boost
Need to solve a spеcific problem
I need a bassic kit for a daily intake
All in one